Comp data interface

Entry endpoint (passed as the compDataUrl query parameter)

The following fields are optional - colour. All other fields are always present.

The attribute "colour" can only be one of the following values, otherwise the aircraft icons will not appear

Preview the colours here:

    "comps": [
            "id": "15m-2020",
            "name": "UK 15m National Championships 2020",
            "short": "15m Class",
            "task": "Url to an endpoint following the task-data-interface schema or a Soaringspot task url",
            "colour": "#0074D9"
    "gliders": "Url to an endpoint following the aircraft-data-interface with optional additional attributes defined below"

Used as the glider attribute in the above comp endpoint and following the aircraft-data-interface with extra id fields

The following fields are optional - hc, launch, start, finish, landout, time, pos, w3w. All other fields are always present but may be empty.

        "comp": "15m-2020",
        "name": "John Smith",
        "cn": "123",
        "glider": "K6e",
        "hc": true,
        "flarm": ["DDEEFF"],
        "status": "Landed out",
        "launch": "12:35",
        "start": "13:01",
        "finish": "15:26",
        "landout": {
            "time": "15:28",
            "pos": [lat, lng],
            "w3w": "what.three.words"